Friday, March 19, 2010

Why a Triathlon?

I used to be quite the athlete. I was a competitive swimmer from ages 5 to 14 and captain of both volleyball and soccer as a senior in high school. (Alright, so our soccer team never won a single game. I never said I was a World Cup caliber athlete.) Then I went to college and gave up team sports. I really miss them, but being a mom to a pre-schooler and a toddler has prevented me from joining a soccer or softball team. Plus, I'm out of shape, big-time.

I've wanted to do a triathlon since law school, more than 10 years ago. But I never found the time to do it. Now, I have to complete one. I turn 39 in November. This is not the big 4-0, but if I give myself a year and six months to train, I'll never do it. The triathlon I want to do is October 23 in Orlando. This gives me a little over 6 months to go from zero to triathlete. I can do it!

Swim training should be easy. We have a pool, so once it warms up I can swim at night when the boys are asleep. Cycling is fine, too. I once rode 63 miles across Cape Cod, from Sandwich to Provincetown in one day (I only walked up the two big hills in Wellfleet.) It's the running that worries me. I am not a runner. I became a soccer goalie so I wouldn't have to run the field. I really hate running. Runners never look happy. Plus, being a plus-sized woman, I have to consider two other things. I'll leave that to the imagination.

So, today, March 19, was my first day of training. I walked a mile and a half pushing my little one in a stroller. That's a mile and a half more than yesterday. I figure I'll take it slow and steady, at least until I can find a jogging stroller.


  1. Ruth, I'm following this! You will ROCK.

  2. I am following as well! In the past month or so I started the couch to 5k program and just love it.
