Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stupid Achilles Tendon

So I've really started to enjoy running. I never thought that would happen. I think about it a lot. I'm trying a MWF running schedule with TTSS as other exercise days. I've noticed that I'm more toned overall from running. I'm even waking up early to run! I find it easier to run alone, without pushing a stroller and it's definitely cooler.

But, of course, since I got new running shoes (a men's size 10, thank you very much), my running stance has changed. It sure feels like I'm running on a cloud, compared to my almost year old sneakers. However, I haven't been stretching, and so during my Friday run, my right achilles tendon started hurting. I did a little digging on the internet, and of course, the only way to make it better is ice, anti-inflammatories, and rest. How am I going to exercise if I can't use my achilles tendon? Then only thing can think of is swimming, but I'm over at my parents' house, taking care of my grandmother, so I don't have access to my pool. AARGH! I'l keep off of it as much as possible for a few days and see how it goes. (Keeping off my feet is impossible, of course, since I have a toddler, a pre-k boy and my grandmother to take care of.)

I think another reason why I've lost some weight is that I'm subsisting on meat, vegetables and nuts due to thrush issues. You can only eat so much salad until you're either , a) sick of it or b) full. I really want to add some food back into my diet, but thrush is so awful that I really want to kick it out of my system. Noah's eczema is getting better since we went on medicine for the thrush and cut out wheat and refined sugar from his diet. But, it's sure not a "fun diet."

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think I'd go nuts if I had to be on such a restrictive diet! I don't know that I could go without eating my favorite whole wheat bread. And I bet refined sugar is in a LOT of foods that I don't even know about. Can eczema be caused by certain foods you eat? ROFL, after typing this, my scalp started itching. :D
