Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I actually ran a half mile today! It may have been the slowest half mile run ever, but at least I did it. The lovely, shaded street across from my neighborhood (complete with horses and goats) is exactly a half mile long, so I ran to the end. I did walk back, but it is the beginning!

I am happy to report that the new sports bra I got by Enell was very supportive. I may have to invest in a second one soon. Next up is a new pair of running shoes. Maybe Lloyd Clark's by friday? There's also running store in Town of Tioga that I may hit up. Any thoughts on either of them?

Friday, April 23, 2010

T-Minus Six Months!!!

Eek! Only 6 months to go! I have had many steps back this week, which is why I haven't posted. I was surprised by AF a week early, then today I had another migraine! Fun! At least I was able to function through it today.

Summer has lent me a jogging stroller (thanks!), but I haven't gotten a chance to break it in yet. I'm hoping to start on Sunday, or maybe tomorrow, if I can get some time to myself. Our pool is at 69 degrees, still pretty cold to actually swim.

I've also given up wheat and sugar again. I'm doing a modified "yeast" diet for at least 10 days. The yeast diet is geared to killing an overgrowth of Candida in the gut. It involves cutting out all sugars, including fruit, white flour and vinegar. I did this back in the 90s, and I felt great. Weight just fell off me. It is really hard, though, to give up all sugar. It calls to me! I figured out a dessert, though, coconut milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and a dash of vanilla. It was really satisfying.

This is becoming real. 6 months to go! I will compete, complete and conquer this triathlon!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two steps forward...

Into a three mile walk today. It was a lovely breezy day, and I explored the area around my parents' house. Noah fell asleep on the walk, and I figured out how to attach the ergo hood while Noah was on my back. (It involved a lot of contortions and leaning forward). The sugar, however, is a one step back. Why can't I give up this nectar, this ambrosia? Oh, yeah, because it tastes delicious! I'm working on it, though. I'll start running on Monday. Can't wait!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Starting up again

Well, between traveling and illness (both the boys and mine) I haven't exercised or blogged in a week. Both boys got dreadful, chest rattling coughs and poor Noah had an ear infection. Then I got the cough and when we got back to Gainesville the oak pollen had fallen. I just couldn't exercise because I couldn't do deep breathing! Then I ate wheat, because even though it does bad things to my body, it tastes delicious.

So, I decided enough is enough. I'm back to the fun of exercising! I've also given up wheat , most other grains, and sugar. I know I'm going to go through sugar and caffeine withdrawal. The caffeine is from coffee. What's the point of coffee if it isn't full of sugar and cream?

I walked today with Noah strapped to my back, only 1.2 miles, but better than nothing! More exercise tomorrow! Wahoo!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back home again

We're back home in Gainesville. It was a quick trip home. I didn't get a chance to exercise today between traveling, unpacking and food shopping. I'm also wheezing a little, from a cold the boys gifted me. So I'm wondering if exertion is good if the lungs are full with mucous or if I should law low for a while...

I did the beach walk again yesterday. I saw a pillar of pelicans flying (OK, a flock of pelicans, but pillar sounds more interesting.) The best part of the trip was seeing two dolphins swimming in Biscayne Bay while driving across 125th St. So exciting!

I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Maybe a short walk with the boys, but they're sick too, so I'll have to play it by ear.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Metro Zoo Meandering

We went to the Miami Metro Zoo today. It is HUGE. I'm pretty sure that the path around the zoo is more than 2 miles. A website I found said it was over 3 miles long. I believe it. It really felt like 10 miles since I was wearing Noah and it was hot. Sweating hot. Compounded by the baby heat. Nathan walked most of it. The funny thing is that I ran into a friend from Gainesville at the zoo! Small world.

That was the extent of the exercise today. I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning and get a walk in before we go to Butterfly World.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beach Walking

We're down in Surfside (just north of Miami Beach) visiting Craig's parents for a few days. I got a chance to go walking this morning by myself. My in-laws live a half-mile from the beach, so it was a no-brainer! I walked to the beach, then a mile on the sand itself, then back to the house. Blue skies, gentle breeze, rotting fish smell... There were thousands of dead jellyfish washed up on shore, so it was a little aromatic in the beginning, but I quickly got used to it. I love hearing the waves breaking on shore and the water was such a vivid teal! Plus sand walking is tough and uses different muscles. I got almost a 2 mile walk today, better than yesterday which was a travel day. The only walking was through Ikea on the way down...

I definitely need new sneaks. Forget last week and the stair walking. I've encountered no stairs in the past couple of days, and a couple of minutes into the walk, my calves started hurting again. I really am going to buy new shoes soon!

And I'm going to end on a rant. Part of me hates coming down to Miami. I am voluptuous, Reubenesque, pleasingly plump, whatever. And I feel so damned self-concious down here. I know it sounds terribly self-centered, but I imagine every passerby laughing at how fat I am. Ugh. I'm almost 39. When will I stop being held hostage by my terrible body image? I don't want to be 70 and still worried that I look fat. I'm glad I don't have any daughters, because how can i teach body love and acceptance when I don't have it for myself? Part of the reason I want to do this triathlon is to lose weight so I can fit into a cute clothes and not feel fat. I wish I could just love my body. I'm very lucky and happy to be married to a wonderful man who loves me and my body. Why can't I do the same?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Back on track!

I did 50 minutes (I just typed minuets - that would be a melodic exercise!) on the elliptical machine, with two sets of 10 one minute on/30 seconds off sprints. Great workout! I got my new bra and my new tri shirt. The shirt fits great, but I need to get the bra tailored. The straps are a little too long, but the cup fits, so I'm keeping it.

I am going to have to start running soon. Yay! I am psyching myself up to learn to enjoy running, rather than seeing it as a chore. Maybe I'll start tomorrow with the new bra, even it if isn't tailored yet.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

TMI Thursday

OK, be warned. Private details ahead...

I didn't exercise again today. I had one of the worst menstrual migraines I have ever had. I appear to be one of the lucky ladies who can get migraines during her period. This has just started happening since I go it back after Noah. Thanks, hormones! Ugh. Alleve didn't work. Tylenol plus a lime rubbed across my head and back of my neck seems to have helped a little. I tried to drive with it, but it was so bad I had to have my mom come and drive to pick up Nathan and help me run errands. Suffice it to say, I didn't exercise today. It was all I could do not to throw up. I did some reading and the only conventional treatment is birth control pills. No, thank you. I feel better now, after eating pizza and pasta. Maybe the carbs helped some serotonin uptake or something.

I am really missing my exercise! I don't want to get out the pattern and habit! I sincerely hope I won't have my period on October 23rd, because it would really interfere. Maybe I should go on birth control, because I can time pills to miss it during the triathlon...

If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know...