Thursday, April 1, 2010

TMI Thursday

OK, be warned. Private details ahead...

I didn't exercise again today. I had one of the worst menstrual migraines I have ever had. I appear to be one of the lucky ladies who can get migraines during her period. This has just started happening since I go it back after Noah. Thanks, hormones! Ugh. Alleve didn't work. Tylenol plus a lime rubbed across my head and back of my neck seems to have helped a little. I tried to drive with it, but it was so bad I had to have my mom come and drive to pick up Nathan and help me run errands. Suffice it to say, I didn't exercise today. It was all I could do not to throw up. I did some reading and the only conventional treatment is birth control pills. No, thank you. I feel better now, after eating pizza and pasta. Maybe the carbs helped some serotonin uptake or something.

I am really missing my exercise! I don't want to get out the pattern and habit! I sincerely hope I won't have my period on October 23rd, because it would really interfere. Maybe I should go on birth control, because I can time pills to miss it during the triathlon...

If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know...

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, menstral migraneur here! Hope to talk soon about milk bank, exercise, and migraines! There is a great relatively new book about migraines too. Jen
