Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Shortie Wetsuit

I finally was able to find a shortie wetsuit (short arms and short legs) to wear when pond swimming this summer. The weather for the past couple of days has been in the 50s and rainy, so no training for me! I would like to start swimming tomorrow, but it depends on both the weather and the availability of my mom to watch the boys while I swim. Ideally the boys can swim/wade at the same time, but we'll see how high it gets tomorrow!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Permission to Heal

My left achilles tendon is killing me. Yesterday, Thursday, I woke up to the cool Cape air and wriggled into my new Vibrams, intent on continuing my C25K program. I took about two steps and realized that my left achilles tendon couldn't take running. It really needs to heal. I worry that the nice British lady on the C25K app will suddenly turn into Dolores Umbridge and start yelling at me because I need to take some time off.

Instead, I've immersed myself in Cape activities. Going to story time at the Library (hi, Zoe!), swimming at Princess, going to the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, playing at the Lifecourse playground with my boys and eating at Sundae School. Twice. (Shark's tooth has to be the BEST FLAVOR EVER - black raspberry with white chocolate chips. YUM.)

We did the Lifecourse truly barefoot, and I think I will attempt to run that come Monday when my parents come back and can help with the boys. For now, I'm going to the chiropractor, icing, and putting arnica gel on my heel. Hopefully I'll be better by Monday.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Research Time Again

I just read two books to learn new techniques. The Barefoot Running Book by Jason Robillard and Triathlon 101 by John Mora. (I read the first edition by Mora - I have no idea how it's been updated).

I've decided not to be a true barefoot runner at this point. I'm going to stick with my Vibrams and be a "minimalist" runner instead. I think I'm too chicken to run barefoot, but I might try it at the Lifecourse on the Cape. I went for a walk barefoot near my house, and boy howdy is the asphalt uncomfortable! Both super hot and rough. I am planning on running the tri in the Vibrams, so I have to practice putting them on wet!

What I gleaned from the second book is that I really need to practice my transitions from swimming to cycling and cycling to running. When I get to the Cape I will have to start doing two sports a day, to work on building up endurance. I'm thinking about getting a little shammy for the post swimming transition. I also looked through my clothes last night I have all the clothes I need - I found some bike shorts and two different biking shirts (complete with pockets for sports gel). I'll have to play around with the shirt, but I plan on swimming in my Enell bra and a swim bottom, them throwing on the shorts, shirt and vibrams.

I took two days off the heal my achilles tendon - it feels much better and I'll be up and out early tomorrow to run...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Swimming and Cycling

I haven't written much about the two other sports in the triathlon, swimming and cycling. I plan to start swimming when I decamp to Cape Cod. There is a great pond for training and hopefully I'll be able to swim this summer. I'm hoping to be able to steal away from the kids and leave them with my parents so I can swim. The swim portion of the tri is only 1/4 mile, not too bad. I swam competitively year round in childhood, up until about age 14. Not an issue, form-wise. Could be an issue of endurance, but that's where training comes in. I'll have to purchase a shortie wetsuit as the ponds in Massachusetts are colder than Florida ponds or lakes. However, advantage Massachusetts, because I don't have to keep an eye out for alligators! That is one thing I'm a little nervous about - the tri itself is in a lake in Orlando. Do they sweep the lake the day before? I probably won't be the fastest, and the first time triathletes go second, so if there's a gator bite, it'll probably be in the early round...

Cape Cod has a fantastic bike trail close to my parents' house. I'll most likely have to buy a trailer for Noah. Nathan will be in camps for part of the summer, so I'll bike when he's gone. Noah's a bid more accepting of long journeys - he'll love looking for chipmunks and birds during the rides. Maybe this will spur Nathan to learn to ride a two-wheeler without training wheels - he hates being left out but I don't want to go so slowly that I don't get significant mileage!

Another run tomorrow. I think my Vibrams are pressing in to my achilles tendon funny - I've read that some people cut them, but it's hard to do that to something that cost so much...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Next Day...

My left achilles tendon (a.t.) is hurting. My right heel and a.t. is fine, interestingly enough. Last year I had major right issues, but my right leg seems to be okay after the run. I spoke with a massage therapist this morning who has done some barefoot running and she noticed the same issue with her a.t. She thinks it's because Western shoes lift our heels either ever so slightly or blatantly and so our a.t. are always contracted. I iced it this afternoon and it does feel better - I'll ice it again tonight.

Tomorrow is the next day for the C25K training and I'm going to continue to do it barefoot! For the next week I will most likely run on treadmills, but the true test is when I start running on the road and can vary my speed. I hope I can keep it up!

Mark's Daily Apple has a really great rumination on ending the "blame game" and taking personal responsibility. It really resonated with me, and I am hereby taking responsibility for my eating choices and my exercise choices. It sounds silly, but it's really easy to say, "I have my period, no exercise today!" or "That ice cream was just too tempting!" My goal is to understand that I always have choices and it's up to me to make the right one.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Barefoot Running

My new obsession? Learning to run barefoot. I spent about an hour last night watching videos on youtube about how to run barefoot. The "traditional" running shoe is actually terrible for posture, feet, knees, you name it. The heel hits the ground first when running in sneakers. However, since humans have spent millions of years running barefoot, maybe there's something to it! I have a pair of vibram 5 fingers, although I'm not sure the style I have fits me properly. My new pair is waiting for me on Cape Cod, so I put on my old pair and went to the gym.

"How to Run Barefoot" has some great videos on Youtube about getting into barefoot running. Another great video is The Barefoot Professor. This video shows the proper form, which is to land mid-foot. It's hard to imagine doing that, but I checked my form in the mirror at the gym and I seemed to be doing exactly that. My heels didn't hurt at the end of running, although both achilles tendons seem a little tight - I wonder if that's from where the vibram hits.

The C25K program increased to 1.5 minutes running, with 2 minutes walking in between for six cycles. So the running only increased one minute total, but that's good because barefoot running needs to eased into in order to build callouses on the feet. I mostly go barefoot at home anyway, but I'm obviously putting more pressure on my feet when running. Another great tip I gleaned from the videos is to pick up my knees when I run barefoot - so you run almost upright while picking up your knees, rather than leaning into the run.

My father has told me many times that when he ran track back in the 50s, he was taught to land on his midsole and use the heel to push forward after. I honestly couldn't figure that out, because of sneaker cushioning, but now that I've seen barefoot running and tried it myself, I finally get it. You were right again, Dad.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Catching up

I took the boys to the kids care at my gym on Saturday so I can continue with my C25K training. I was a little nervous, but they both loved it and asked to go back! Luckily, I'll be taking Nathan on Tuesday while Noah's in school, as Tuesday is my next running day.

My right heel hurts a little from running. I think I may be landing funny. I'm starting to investigate barefoot style running to see if that will help - in barefoot running, you land on the sole of your foot, not the heel.Here's a video introduction to barefoot running. I have a pair of Vibram 5 fingers, but I think they don't fit right - they hit my heel funny. I'll try running in them tomorrow. I have a new pair ordered to be delivered on Cape Cod, so I won't be able to use them for a whole week! Any good links or site on barefoot running that anyone knows about?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Second Verse, Same as the First

I ran the second training run for the C25K today. Still the same, run for one minute, walk for 1.5 minutes, repeat for a total of 8 times. The benefit to the app is that you don't have to think - the app controls the time, gives the prompts, etc. The funny thing is that running for 30 seconds seems to go much more quickly than walking for 30 seconds, but I feel like I've traveled less distance when running. Maybe it's because I should be running faster than I really am? That's why peppy songs are so important! Thanks for the suggestions - I'll listen to them and see if they'll work for me. (Confession time - I don't think I've ever heard a Lady Gaga song! I'm certainly familiar with her theatrics and costuming, thanks to Go Fug Yourself, but as for her songs? Nope, can't think of one I've actually heard.)

I do get very red when I exert myself. I'm talking cherry red. Like I've had the worst sunburn ever. And it lasts for about 45 minutes. I don't think there's a solution for this. I pre-hydrate and I post-hydrate; I splash my face with cold water. I just have to hold my head high and know that I look ridonkulous due to training.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Music to Train By

I need to add some music to my playlist for running. I like peppy, bouncy, happy, upbeat dance music. Here's my current list and I would welcome any and all suggestions:

Don't Stop Me Now; Queen
Single Ladies; Beyonce
Ray of Light; Madonna
Jai Ho; SLum Dog Millionaire Soundtrack
Perfect Day; Hoku
Another Dumb Blonde; Hoku

Please help! I know nothing about music these days except for kids' music (although Happy Noodle v. Sad Noodle is an epic!).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just realized that I have a gym with kids care, so I can run when Craig is away! Having realized that, I started the Couch to 5k program this morning. Even outside at 82 degrees!

I walked into a running store on Saturday and asked about an iPhone arm band that I can use running (putting it in my gigantic running bra didn't cut it last time.) Lo and behold the nice man gave me a Polar arm band for free. Some rep had given it to the store to test and no one used it, so he gave it to me. Woohoo! I used it this morning and it worked just fine. Much more comfortable than the bra holder...

I decided to use the Benjohn Barnes Get Running app. It has good reviews and was only $1.99. I have a couple of other programs to track using GPS, so I didn't need bells and whistles. A pleasant British woman gently and enthusiastically urges you on. I love it! The first program was to run for sixty seconds, walk for ninety seconds 8 times. A breeze!

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Summer Goal

I am luck enough to be able to summer up north, away from the heat of the Deep South. My summer town is having a Fun Run and Road Race on Saturday, July 30. I have no idea how long the race is - I'm assuming a 5K. So I will be almost at the end of the couch to 5k program at that point. I have no other information on it.

I hope one of my loyal readers will join me in it. Zoe - are you up for it??? Let's do it together!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gathering Tools

I downloaded a Couch to 5k program for my iPhone, to help with the running part. It's a nine week program, which I desperately need. I can do a mile, but more than that? I'm not sure... I'm going to wait until I get up to Cape Cod to start the program for a couple of reasons.

1. It is so FREAKING hot and humid here. Last week was beautiful - no humidity, in the 70s, and suddenly, BAM! Back into the normal weather pattern. Ugh. We tried to eat dinner outside tonight and had to turn on the outside fan to keep from sweating during dinner (Cheeseburgers, green beans, corn, baked beans and a blueberry peach cobbler made with a fraction of this morning's u-pick!)

2. I'll be a single mother for a week while Craig goes up to his cousin's wedding. I can't leave the kids alone in the house and I'm not going to buy a jogging stroller.

3. I'll be on the Cape for 10 weeks, so this is a nice goal to have while I spend the summer in paradise.

I'll work on my swimming while the kids are asleep, but the pool is frigid even though it's allegedly 76. I'm being very conscious of my language - I started out typing "I'll try working on my swimming..." I will by positive in all aspects of my training - physically and mentally!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Aging Body

I know I keep going on about turning 40 in November. I don't know why this is such a big deal for me, as I still feel like an awkward teenager on the inside. It must be because my body is failing me more often an more quickly than before.

I used to be able to jump out of bed and be raring to go! Now, I get out of bed gingerly and shuffle around until my creaky bones loosen up enough to stride. And this morning I gave a nice stretch and promptly pulled a muscle in my neck. Grand. I get started running again, thinking about how I'm going to exercise today and now I can't turn my head. Luckily my chiropractor had an appointment this morning, so I'm off to her.

What's the point of this post? To kvetch and to realize that even though my body is more delicate than before, it is still strong and I will do this triathlon. Oh yes, I will.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bitch is Back!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I blogged!

Hahaha! Yes, I can believe it! I got up to Cape Cod in July 2010, and promptly stopped training for a variety of reasons. My right achilles tendon was inflamed, and it hurt to run. Noah was still needing me an awful lot last summer, so I couldn't leave him to run, swim or bike and I got seriously lazy. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the triathlon in the fall of 2010, so I stopped blogging. (In reality, my achilles tendon hurt for a very long time.) Thankfully, my heel is back to normal, so I started doing sprints in January (with a time-out for the flu and post-flu recovery).

I just ran my first mile this morning since last year. I parked at my parents' house and ran to a restaurant that is a mile away to meet a friend for coffee. I rewarded myself with an order of bacon. I think I'm going to reward my exercise with bacon, especially since I just got a pork share from a local farm. This isn't as crazy as it sounds. Here's a link to an interesting blog post about fat fueling our bodies, not carbs.

Marks Daily Apple website is a great resource to transitioning to the primal lifestyle. I am currently (mostly) primal/paleo, with an exception for dairy as Noah is allergic to egg whites. We still nurse, and Noah's allergy is so bad that he reacts to egg whites in my milk.

My weight has remained constant - this is a big deal, since I gained steadily before kids and lost it due to pregnancy and nursing. I attribute this to being grain-free for almost a year, and I feel SO GOOD. Seriously - giving up grains has not been a hardship for me. The only thing I really miss is pizza, and I just eat the cheese off Nathan's slice to get the taste. I ate Afghan food last week, and decided to go whole hog, so to speak. I ate three pieces of bread and rice, and I felt hungover the next day. That tells me my body has adapted to being low carb, and I'm going to keep doing it!

Long story even longer, I started training again because I turn 40 in November and time's a-tickin'. My sister Julie has offered to train and compete in a triathlon with me, so being the competitive sister that I am, I have to compete this October. No ifs ands or buts. We're doing a women-only tri in October in Orlando, one month before that 40th deadline. So, thanks, Jules. I'm totally going to beat you.