Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bitch is Back!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I blogged!

Hahaha! Yes, I can believe it! I got up to Cape Cod in July 2010, and promptly stopped training for a variety of reasons. My right achilles tendon was inflamed, and it hurt to run. Noah was still needing me an awful lot last summer, so I couldn't leave him to run, swim or bike and I got seriously lazy. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the triathlon in the fall of 2010, so I stopped blogging. (In reality, my achilles tendon hurt for a very long time.) Thankfully, my heel is back to normal, so I started doing sprints in January (with a time-out for the flu and post-flu recovery).

I just ran my first mile this morning since last year. I parked at my parents' house and ran to a restaurant that is a mile away to meet a friend for coffee. I rewarded myself with an order of bacon. I think I'm going to reward my exercise with bacon, especially since I just got a pork share from a local farm. This isn't as crazy as it sounds. Here's a link to an interesting blog post about fat fueling our bodies, not carbs.

Marks Daily Apple website is a great resource to transitioning to the primal lifestyle. I am currently (mostly) primal/paleo, with an exception for dairy as Noah is allergic to egg whites. We still nurse, and Noah's allergy is so bad that he reacts to egg whites in my milk.

My weight has remained constant - this is a big deal, since I gained steadily before kids and lost it due to pregnancy and nursing. I attribute this to being grain-free for almost a year, and I feel SO GOOD. Seriously - giving up grains has not been a hardship for me. The only thing I really miss is pizza, and I just eat the cheese off Nathan's slice to get the taste. I ate Afghan food last week, and decided to go whole hog, so to speak. I ate three pieces of bread and rice, and I felt hungover the next day. That tells me my body has adapted to being low carb, and I'm going to keep doing it!

Long story even longer, I started training again because I turn 40 in November and time's a-tickin'. My sister Julie has offered to train and compete in a triathlon with me, so being the competitive sister that I am, I have to compete this October. No ifs ands or buts. We're doing a women-only tri in October in Orlando, one month before that 40th deadline. So, thanks, Jules. I'm totally going to beat you.