Monday, May 23, 2011

New Summer Goal

I am luck enough to be able to summer up north, away from the heat of the Deep South. My summer town is having a Fun Run and Road Race on Saturday, July 30. I have no idea how long the race is - I'm assuming a 5K. So I will be almost at the end of the couch to 5k program at that point. I have no other information on it.

I hope one of my loyal readers will join me in it. Zoe - are you up for it??? Let's do it together!


  1. Oh Ruth, I am so not the competitive type. But for you, I'll do it. As long as it isn't longer than a 5K I'm in.
    Challenge Accepted!

  2. Zoe - we'll do the free Fun Run part! No competition, I promise! I sure can't do longer than a 5k...
