Thursday, May 26, 2011

Second Verse, Same as the First

I ran the second training run for the C25K today. Still the same, run for one minute, walk for 1.5 minutes, repeat for a total of 8 times. The benefit to the app is that you don't have to think - the app controls the time, gives the prompts, etc. The funny thing is that running for 30 seconds seems to go much more quickly than walking for 30 seconds, but I feel like I've traveled less distance when running. Maybe it's because I should be running faster than I really am? That's why peppy songs are so important! Thanks for the suggestions - I'll listen to them and see if they'll work for me. (Confession time - I don't think I've ever heard a Lady Gaga song! I'm certainly familiar with her theatrics and costuming, thanks to Go Fug Yourself, but as for her songs? Nope, can't think of one I've actually heard.)

I do get very red when I exert myself. I'm talking cherry red. Like I've had the worst sunburn ever. And it lasts for about 45 minutes. I don't think there's a solution for this. I pre-hydrate and I post-hydrate; I splash my face with cold water. I just have to hold my head high and know that I look ridonkulous due to training.

1 comment:

  1. I get that red thing too. It happens if I am making a comeback and/or if it's hot. It sucks!
