Monday, May 30, 2011

Catching up

I took the boys to the kids care at my gym on Saturday so I can continue with my C25K training. I was a little nervous, but they both loved it and asked to go back! Luckily, I'll be taking Nathan on Tuesday while Noah's in school, as Tuesday is my next running day.

My right heel hurts a little from running. I think I may be landing funny. I'm starting to investigate barefoot style running to see if that will help - in barefoot running, you land on the sole of your foot, not the heel.Here's a video introduction to barefoot running. I have a pair of Vibram 5 fingers, but I think they don't fit right - they hit my heel funny. I'll try running in them tomorrow. I have a new pair ordered to be delivered on Cape Cod, so I won't be able to use them for a whole week! Any good links or site on barefoot running that anyone knows about?

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked at the whole Chi running thing? I haven't even read the books, so I am sure I don't understand 90% of the technique, but they have tons on youtube videos. Really what I took from it was the forefoot strike and taking care not to land on your heel. That is the sum total of my knowledge of running technique.
