Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just realized that I have a gym with kids care, so I can run when Craig is away! Having realized that, I started the Couch to 5k program this morning. Even outside at 82 degrees!

I walked into a running store on Saturday and asked about an iPhone arm band that I can use running (putting it in my gigantic running bra didn't cut it last time.) Lo and behold the nice man gave me a Polar arm band for free. Some rep had given it to the store to test and no one used it, so he gave it to me. Woohoo! I used it this morning and it worked just fine. Much more comfortable than the bra holder...

I decided to use the Benjohn Barnes Get Running app. It has good reviews and was only $1.99. I have a couple of other programs to track using GPS, so I didn't need bells and whistles. A pleasant British woman gently and enthusiastically urges you on. I love it! The first program was to run for sixty seconds, walk for ninety seconds 8 times. A breeze!


  1. Ruth - I hopped on a bike today and went a whopping 3 miles with dad! Needless to say it was quite leisurely. However, we were admiring all of the BEAUTIFUL flowers on the Cape, so I got to practice my right turns. SOOOO SCAAAARY! My whole body tenses.

    I actually even lifted one hand off the handle bars while pedaling!

  2. Julie, you need to work on that! Good for you for conquering your fear of right turns! Where was Ayla? I've got to get a bike seat for Noah...

  3. Ruth, sounds great! I would love to join you for a "maintenance" program after you return from up north. Jennifer
