Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Next Day...

My left achilles tendon (a.t.) is hurting. My right heel and a.t. is fine, interestingly enough. Last year I had major right issues, but my right leg seems to be okay after the run. I spoke with a massage therapist this morning who has done some barefoot running and she noticed the same issue with her a.t. She thinks it's because Western shoes lift our heels either ever so slightly or blatantly and so our a.t. are always contracted. I iced it this afternoon and it does feel better - I'll ice it again tonight.

Tomorrow is the next day for the C25K training and I'm going to continue to do it barefoot! For the next week I will most likely run on treadmills, but the true test is when I start running on the road and can vary my speed. I hope I can keep it up!

Mark's Daily Apple has a really great rumination on ending the "blame game" and taking personal responsibility. It really resonated with me, and I am hereby taking responsibility for my eating choices and my exercise choices. It sounds silly, but it's really easy to say, "I have my period, no exercise today!" or "That ice cream was just too tempting!" My goal is to understand that I always have choices and it's up to me to make the right one.

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