Friday, June 3, 2011

Swimming and Cycling

I haven't written much about the two other sports in the triathlon, swimming and cycling. I plan to start swimming when I decamp to Cape Cod. There is a great pond for training and hopefully I'll be able to swim this summer. I'm hoping to be able to steal away from the kids and leave them with my parents so I can swim. The swim portion of the tri is only 1/4 mile, not too bad. I swam competitively year round in childhood, up until about age 14. Not an issue, form-wise. Could be an issue of endurance, but that's where training comes in. I'll have to purchase a shortie wetsuit as the ponds in Massachusetts are colder than Florida ponds or lakes. However, advantage Massachusetts, because I don't have to keep an eye out for alligators! That is one thing I'm a little nervous about - the tri itself is in a lake in Orlando. Do they sweep the lake the day before? I probably won't be the fastest, and the first time triathletes go second, so if there's a gator bite, it'll probably be in the early round...

Cape Cod has a fantastic bike trail close to my parents' house. I'll most likely have to buy a trailer for Noah. Nathan will be in camps for part of the summer, so I'll bike when he's gone. Noah's a bid more accepting of long journeys - he'll love looking for chipmunks and birds during the rides. Maybe this will spur Nathan to learn to ride a two-wheeler without training wheels - he hates being left out but I don't want to go so slowly that I don't get significant mileage!

Another run tomorrow. I think my Vibrams are pressing in to my achilles tendon funny - I've read that some people cut them, but it's hard to do that to something that cost so much...

1 comment:

  1. There is a trailer that we can get for behind the bike. We could put Ayla and Noah in together! I don't think I could pull it since I am afraid of bikes, but if you pull it you'd be riding the equivalent of 2x more miles!!

    I need a shortie wetsuit too! Do we need it for the actual race?

    I calculated how many laps in my pool =1/4's 44! hahahaha, I think it may be more efficient to swim around the perimeter instead. I doubt flip turns and pushing off the wall 44 times is part of the training....
