Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tabata is tough

I did my first tabata interval today, using an improvised system: kitchen timer plus my stopwatch on my iPhone. I've realized three important things:

1. I desperately need a good quality sports bra.
2. Four minutes is an eternity when you are out of shape doing your first tabata.
3. I want a gymboss.

I was able to do the tabata right after Noah went down for his nap and I knew he wasn't going to wake up and try to get out of bed. 20 second run. 10 second walk alternating for 4 minutes. Towards the end the run was more of a slow run. My lungs were burning. Ten hours later, I can still feel the effect on my lungs. I will do at least one tabata a day, I have to figure out doing weight training tabata.

I've also come to the conclusion that doing a running tabata outside while neighbors burn leaves and there is an incredibly high pollen count is really dumb. I am still wheezing.

No other exercise today (life interfered), so I am wondering if that is why I am feeling extremely pissy tonight. I think I better go to bed.


  1. You could do it with push ups and sit ups until you get weights!

  2. First time I tried a tabata run I heaved on the front lawn. I'd say you did great.
